How to Keep Your Home Bug Free

home free off bugBugs are an unpleasant reality that comes with having a home. While some bugs may be harmless, others can pose real health risks if left untreated and uncontrolled. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to keep your home bug free and prevent infestations before they start.


Remove All Food Sources

Food is a major attractant for many different types of bugs. To keep your home bug free, make sure to regularly remove all food sources in your home. This includes any crumbs or spills that may have been overlooked and forgotten. Vacuum often, and wipe down counters and tables after meals. Be sure to also store food items properly so they don’t attract bugs like ants or cockroaches.


Keep Your Home Clean & Tidy

Regularly cleaning your home can go a long way in keeping it bug-free. Sweep floors every day, vacuum carpets on a weekly basis, and clean up any messes as soon as possible to avoid giving bugs an opportunity to enter your home and set up a shop. It’s also a good idea to avoid clutter and keep your home neat and tidy.


Check for Entry Points

Bugs can enter your home through the tiniest of cracks and crevices. Check around windows, doors, vents, and other potential entry points on a regular basis to make sure they are sealed properly. If you find any gaps or openings, use caulk to seal them up as soon as possible.


Seal Trash Cans

Leaving trash bags exposed in open receptacles can be a major source of bugs in your home. Be sure to purchase lidded garbage cans so that odors do not attract pests like flies or raccoons. Additionally, take out full trash bags frequently and dispose of them away from your home.


Screen Openings & Vents

Make sure that all windows and doors have properly fitted screens to prevent insects from entering your home. Check the screens frequently for holes or damage, and repair any tears or rips immediately. Additionally, cover air vents with mesh screens to keep out flying pests like bees and wasps.


Eliminate Standing Water

Standing water can be a breeding ground for many different kinds of bugs. Make sure to check around your property for any sources of standing water that could attract pests, such as birdbaths, clogged gutters, or even low-lying containers like buckets or plant pots. If you find any areas with standing water, be sure to empty and dry them out regularly.


Call an Exterminator

If all else fails and your home is still plagued by bugs, it’s time to call in the professionals. A licensed exterminator will have access to a range of tools and techniques to help keep your home bug free. They can also provide advice on preventative measures that you can take moving forward.



Keeping your home bug free is an ongoing task that requires vigilance and effort. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can take active steps to keep pests and infestations at bay. However, if all else fails, don’t hesitate to call an exterminator who can help you get your home back under control.